The SWIT+ Dog Blanket Cover (without Inlay)
Can’t decide on material or colour? No problem, we now offer our handmade Swit Dog Blanket without inlay. This means you can use them for earlier systems or without an inlay.
If you have a SWIT-Dog Blanket with an inlay, please send us the completed and signed form so that we can adapt your system to your individual needs. Email address: [email protected]
What does a SWIT+ Neurobalance System do?
How does the SWIT+ Neurobalance System help?
Which are the 5 modes?
What does a SWIT+ Neurobalance System do?
It transmits natural EEG-based waves to the body.
The nervous system responds to this signal and is gently guided in the right direction. The application of the SWITplus systems is primarily intended to balance the body’s regulatory systems.
How does the SWIT+ Neurobalance System help?
If the organism is imbalanced, the vital functions controlled by the autonomic nervous system do not function properly.
If the organism is in balance, it can appropriately react to its environment. The vital functions are optimized.
A SWITplus Neurobalance System transmits EEG-based waves to the organism to gently guide the nervous system in the right direction towards the desired balance status.
If the organism is in balance, it can appropriately react to its environment. The vital functions are optimized.
A SWITplus Neurobalance System transmits EEG-based waves to the organism to gently guide the nervous system in the right direction towards the desired balance status.
Which are the 5 modes?
- Prepares the body prior to intense physical activity
- Used for intensive, active warm-up
- Vitalizes after periods of rest (sleep, long periods of inactivity)
- Provides a passive warming-up
- Supports regeneration and rehabilitation.
- Recommended to use after strong physical activity
- It provides an overall harmonising calming effect
- Soothes muscles, reduces pain, relaxes
- Deeply relaxing, soothes away stress
- Improves sleep quality
- Supports regeneration